Instant Life Photography


I’m back! Well, I haven’t actually been anywhere but I am back.

Talking of backs… poor admin is sofabound with some sort of awful, agonising backpain. The doctor has prescribed some VERY strong painkillers so things are getting better – I might even let him have some soon. Ha!

Oh, I’m so happy that I never surcame to the sexual-stereotyping that was rife in the girls’ comics of my youth to become a nurse (I’m looking at you, Twinkle). I could list a million reasons why I would have been rubbish at this job but it mostly involves unmentionable bodily-functions and… gruesomeness. Thank goodness for all the women and men who can deal with this sort of thing – they are AWESOME.

Whilst I’m still not absolutely 100% sure what I do want to do when I grow up, I do know that ‘nurse’ wont be on that list, so that kind of helps :/

Here’s a photo – much safer water for me and photographer is certainly much higher up on that aforementioned list. This was taken in the garden with my NEW Diana F+ with an Instant Back (hey, another ‘back’ reference) – it’s not exactly a prize-winning photo but I now know this bolted-together contraption works and I can start shooting in anger…

garden - taken with diana and instant back

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